Friday, January 28, 2011


Miss Brazil Canada
Guiomar Campbell's Lotus Arts and Wellness and Lifecycles Wellness clinic is proud to be one of the sponsors of Miss Brazil Canada 2011. Some of the proceeds will be donated to Group Brazil.

For more information:

Miss Brazil Canada Pageant a magnificent event organized by Abelardo Oliveira e Luis De Castro with the objective to showcase the beauty of the Brazilian woman and Brazilian culture. This exciting event will take place on April 2011 at the elegant On the Park Banquet Hall and will include music, dinner and an open bar.

This event is a partnership between the Miss Brazil Canada Pageant and Group Brazil. 
You will be our special guest for this glamorous and sophisticated event that will bring together the most beautiful Brazilian women in Toronto. In honour of our dear Ana Maria De Souza, founder of the Brazilian Ball the beneficiary of the Miss Brazil Canada Pageant 2011 will be the DeSouza Foundation.

‘Biosync-Rhythm for Balance and Wellbeing’

Date: Sunday February 27, 2011
2:30- 5:30 pm Lifecycles Wellness, 94 Cumberland St. Suite 805, Toronto, 647 428-7200

Balance your body, mind, heart and spirit in playful and relaxing explorations of meridian stretching, yoga, Brazilian drumming, biodance and self massage.
Guiomar will take you on a fun, relaxing and uplifting journey of instrument playing, yoga, mantras, affirmations, self-massage and creative dance. You will learn techniques and tools for self-observation of your internal rhythm as well as for the overall improvement of your health. This workshop is designed to bring balance to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of your body.
Bring water, yoga mat, paper and pen, and a positive attitude.

Each workshop is valued at $60; however, you get to ‘Pay-What-U-Want’ at the end of each workshop, with absolutely no minimum and no maximum. Donations are deeply apreciated.

Brazilian native Guiomar Campbell is a percussionist and singer. She leads the Toronto-based group, Parabolica, built on a foundation of Afro-Brazilian folk rhythms, bossa nova, samba and jazz. Guiomar is the creator of Biosync-rhythm movement, a technique that synchronizes body’s natural rhythms through creative dance, drumming and yoga. She is also a shiatsu therapist and acupuncturist, with a clinic in Yorkville called Lotus Shiatsu Therapy.

For more info and to register, contact Guiomar at 416 986-9270